The Tofino Art Gallery Walk
A collaboration between individual-artist / artist-owned art galleries on the main road of Tofino, BC, Canada
The fortyonehundred Art Gallery
Closed as from December 2019
Shop online instead here!
The Factory - Store, Studio, Gallery
Jeremy Koreski Gallery
Mark Hobson Gallery
Roy Henry Vickers Gallery
There are many other fabulous galleries & points of art interest here in Tofino. Please also visit
- The House of Himwitsa
- Joe David’s Totem Pole (end of 3rd St)
- LoveCraft Gallery
- The Weeping Woman Statue (In Park)
- The Village Gallery
- Pete Clarkson’s Street Art made from ocean debris (3rd St)
- Selkies Coastal Creations
- Ultramarine Art Supplies
- Two Trees
- Henry Nola’s Carving Shed (by the Wickaninnish Inn)
- Pina
- Blue & Daniela Petosa Ceramics